Foreword | Preface | Introduction | Table of Contents |1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | INDEX

CHAPTER 3 – Pre-Natal Care

Book Midwifery

This chapter explores:

• How do you prepare for publication?

• Does publishing a book give you cravings, weight gain, and even morning sickness?

• How do authors market their books?

• What is it like thinking every moment about what you can do for your book today?

• How do you ride the publicity roller coaster?

• Do authors need to hire a professional PR agent?

• What’s a “Publication Date”?
• What is the big bookstore myth?

And provides:

• A 9-month "birthing plan" detailing each step in the book promotion process pre-publication up to birth and beyond.